Farm Groups Call for Reversal of Capital Gains Inclusion Rate

(OTTAWA, ON – January 17, 2025) The over 130,000 Canadian farmers and ranchers represented by the Canadian Canola Growers Association, Canadian Cattle Association and Grain Growers of Canada are calling on the Government of Canada to reverse its decision to administer the proposed capital gains inclusion rate legislation.

Despite the fact that the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance tabled a Notice of Ways and Means Motion (NWMM) to introduce a bill entitled An Act to amend the Income Tax Act and the Income Tax Regulations, these changes are subject to parliamentary approval and should not be implemented without the express approval of Parliament.

The average age of Canadian farmers is now over 55 years old and tens of billions of dollars in farm assets are set to change hands over the next decade. Canadian farms continue to expand, often supporting multiple households, with more and more farms incorporating for tax and estate planning purposes. Meanwhile the cost of land and farm assets continues to rise and those looking to purchase a farm face unprecedented capital costs.

We continue to express opposition to the accelerated pace of implementation, the lack of consultation in the lead-up to these proposals, and the changes that undermine the policy intent of Bill C-208, particularly in terms of the continued uncertainty regarding future treatment of capital gains that adds costs, complexity, and delays for farmers trying to navigate the intergenerational transfer of farm assets. While the proposed amendments to the Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption include an increase to the limit on eligible capital gains for producers, this alone does not address the broader challenges posed by these policy changes.

For these reasons, we call on the government to not implement the NWMM and revert to the previous capital gains and inclusion rate. We call on all political parties to support the reversal of the capital gains inclusion rate increase for farmers.


About Canadian Canola Growers Association (CCGA)
Canadian Canola Growers Association represents canola farmers on national and international issues, policies, and programs that impact farm profitability and has been an administrator of the Government of Canada’s Advance Payments Program since 1984. For more information follow CCGA on X @ccga_ca and LinkedIn.

About Canadian Cattle Association (CCA):
The Canadian Cattle Association (CCA) is the national voice of Canada’s 60,000 beef farms and feedlots. Founded by producers and led by a producer-elected board of directors, CCA works to address issues that concern Canada’s beef producers.

About Grain Growers of Canada (GGC):
As the national voice for Canada’s grain farmers, Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) represents over 70,000 producers through our 14 national, provincial and regional grower groups. Our members steward 110 million acres of land to grow food for Canadians and for 160 countries around the world, creating $45 billion in export value annually. As the farmer-driven association for the grains sector, GGC champions federal policies that support the competitiveness and profitability of grain growers across Canada.

For media inquiries, please contact:

The Canadian Canola Growers Association
Kelly Green, Vice-President of Communications | 204.789.8821

The Canadian Cattle Association
Tina Zakowsky, Communications Manager | 403-451-0931

Grain Growers of Canada | 514-834-8841

Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) Welcomes Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s (CFIA) Finalized Guidance for Gene Edited Plants, Opening Doors to Agricultural Innovation

(OTTAWA, ON – May 3, 2024) GGC today applauds the release of CFIA’s long awaited final guidance on novel feed, marking the completion of a trio of regulatory updates that enable the introduction of gene-edited crops in Canada. These updates, initiated in 2018, are designed to foster agricultural innovation in plant breeding by addressing today’s farming challenges such as pest and disease management, yield improvements, drought resistance, and the nutritional quality of crops.

“This progress opens doors to innovation in Canadian agriculture, enabling the introduction of gene-edited crops that meet pressing agricultural challenges like drought, pests, and diseases, while enhancing nutritional quality,” said Andre Harpe, Chair of Grain Growers of Canada. “The updated guidance enables us to use the latest innovation in plant technology to produce nutritious and affordable food for Canadians and our international customers.”

The regulatory guidance aligns Canada’s regulations with our trading partners, ensuring Canadian farmers remain competitive globally. It is based on rigorous, science-driven assessments that guarantee the safety and efficacy of gene-edited crops.

“Completing this trio of regulations is a milestone that began five years ago, reflecting our joint commitment with government agencies to promote a regulatory environment that supports innovation while ensuring safety and transparency,” said William van Tassel, 1st Vice Chair of Grain Growers of Canada. “With these updated guidelines, our farmers can access advanced tools to produce crops with better resiliency and higher yields, while meeting the demands of the market today and the future.”

The clarity provided by these regulatory updates is expected to accelerate the development and adoption of new plant varieties, crucial for enhancing the competitiveness of Canadian agriculture.


About Grain Growers of Canada (GGC):

As the national voice for Canada’s grain farmers, Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) represents over 65,000 producers through our 14 national, provincial and regional grower groups. Our members are trade oriented, sustainable and innovative. As a farmer-driven association for the grains industry, GGC advocates for federal policy that supports the competitiveness and profitability of grain growers across Canada. Learn more at:

For more information, please contact:

Hana Sabah
Communications Manager
Grain Growers of Canada
514-834-8841 |

Le Conseil des grains du Canada adopte les nouvelles directives de l’ACIA sur les plantes issues de l’édition génique

Le 3 mai 2024 (Ottawa (Ont.)) – Aujourd’hui marque une étape importante pour l’industrie agricole du Canada, car l’Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments (ACIA) présente ses plus récentes directives sur les aliments du bétail, ce qui complète le trio de mises à jour politiques essentielles pour clarifier les exigences du Canada en matière de cultures dérivées de l’édition génique. Ainsi s’achève un processus visant à permettre l’innovation qui a débuté en 2018, lorsque les secteurs des semences et des grains du Canada ont demandé aux organismes de règlementation canadiens de clarifier leurs politiques relatives aux plantes issues de l’édition génique.

En réponse, Krista Thomas, vice-présidente à la politique commerciale et à l’innovation en semences au Conseil des grains du Canada, a publié ce qui suit :

« C’est un jour marquant pour l’agriculture au pays, car l’Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments confirme ses directives sur les aliments du bétail, ce qui constitue la dernière pièce d’une série de mises à jour vitales des politiques qui a débuté en 2018. Avec la mise en place de cette dernière pièce, Santé Canada et l’ACIA ont maintenant répondu aux appels de longue date des secteurs des semences et des grains en faveur de politiques prévisibles, claires et cohérentes pour les cultures dérivées de l’édition génique.

« Nous sommes heureux de constater que le Canada maintient une approche règlementaire fondée sur la science et sur les produits. Cela signifie que les plantes issues de l’édition génique, qui ressemblent beaucoup aux variétés sélectionnées de façon classique, seront traitées de la même manière – une approche que bon nombre de nos partenaires commerciaux suivent également. En harmonisant nos politiques avec celles de nos partenaires commerciaux, non seulement nous favorisons l’innovation, mais nous faisons en sorte que les agriculteurs canadiens aient accès aux technologies agricoles les plus avancées disponibles dans le monde.

« Cette mesure stratégique nous permet d’attirer des investissements et de renforcer nos exportations agricoles, en maintenant l’agriculture du Canada à l’avant-plan de la production céréalière mondiale.

« Cette nouvelle ouvre d’incroyables horizons à l’innovation dans le secteur des grains. Nous sommes particulièrement emballés par les cultures qui peuvent mieux résister aux stress environnementaux tels que la sècheresse et les ravageurs sans toutefois que le rendement soit compromis. Cette fonctionnalité se traduit directement par une stabilité de l’offre et des prix des denrées alimentaires, ce qui est crucial pour notre économie et notre sécurité alimentaire.

« Ces dernières années, le secteur céréalier a été confronté à des conditions de sécheresse pénalisantes et nous avons trop d’exemples de maladies des cultures qui ne font pas l’objet d’une maîtrise adéquate. L’édition génique peut aider à mettre au point des solutions plus rapidement et plus efficacement que ne le permettent les méthodes classiques de sélection végétale. »


Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez contacter :

Sandra Filion
Vice-présidente, communications et relations avec les intervenants
Conseil des grains du Canada
613 277-0109 |

Canada Grains Council Embraces New CFIA Guidance for Gene Edited Plants

(OTTAWA, ON – MAY 3, 2024) Today marks a significant milestone for Canada’s agricultural sector as the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) unveils its latest livestock feed guidance, completing the trio of policy updates crucial for clarifying Canada’s requirements for gene-edited crops. This completes a process to enable innovation that began in 2018, when Canada’s seed and grain sectors called on Canadian regulators to clarify their policies for gene edited plants.

In response, Krista Thomas, Vice President Trade Policy, Seed Innovation, for the Canada Grains Council issued the following:

“This is a ground-breaking day for Canadian agriculture, as the Canadian Food Inspection Agency confirms its livestock feed guidance, marking the final piece in a series of vital policy updates that began in 2018. With this final piece in place, Health Canada and the CFIA have now answered longstanding calls from the seed and grain sectors for predictable, clear, and consistent policies for gene edited crops.

“We are pleased to see Canada maintaining a science-based and product-based regulatory approach. This means that gene-edited plants, which closely resemble traditionally-bred varieties, will be treated the same way—an approach many of our trading partners are also following. By aligning our policies with trading partners, we not only foster innovation but also ensure that Canadian farmers have access to the most advanced agricultural technologies available worldwide.

“This strategic move allows us to attract investments and bolster our agricultural exports, keeping Canadian agriculture at the forefront of global grain production.

“This news opens up incredible opportunities for innovation within the grain sector. We are particularly excited about crops that can better withstand environmental stresses such as drought and pests without compromising yield. This ability directly translates to stability in food supply and prices, which is crucial for both our economy and food security.

“In recent years, the grain sector has faced punishing drought conditions and we have too many examples of crop diseases that lack adequate control. Gene editing can help develop solutions faster and more efficiently than traditional plant breeding methods allow.”


For more information, please contact:

Sandra Filion
Vice President, Communications & Stakeholder Relations
Canada Grains Council
613-277-0109 |

Late-stage amendment to Bill C-234 disappoints Canadian agriculture, ACA urges swift action in the House

Dec. 6, 2023 (Ottawa, ON) – The Agriculture Carbon Alliance (ACA) expresses profound disappointment following the Senate’s recent adoption of a previously rejected amendment to Bill C-234, an Act to Amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act

After weeks of procedural delays, marked by the re-introduction of amendments that were already debated and defeated and repeated adjournments, Senators voted 40-39 in favour of an amendment previously rejected by both the House of Commons Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food as well as the whole Senate at report stage.

“While the Senate is supposed to be the chamber for sober second thought, Canadian farmers are bearing the brunt of political delays driven by partisan interests,” says Dave Carey, co-chair of ACA. “The reintroduction of a previously defeated amendment weeks later is unprecedented. Seeing this outcome at such a late stage is profoundly disappointing.”

The narrowly passed amendment effectively restricts the exemption to grain drying, removing the proposed exemption for heating barns, greenhouses and structures used to grow food. This means that hundreds of thousands of farmers, growers and ranchers will be left behind and won’t receive much-needed financial relief at a time when they need it most. 

ACA is also very disappointed that several supportive Senators were not in the chamber to vote against what amounts to a procedural amendment. 

Bill C-234 seeks crucial exemptions from carbon pricing for propane and natural gas, vital for grain drying and heating due to the lack of viable fuel alternatives. Scalable and accessible technology that could offer alternatives is still years away. In the absence of such solutions, carbon pricing worsens financial strain and steers capital away from crucial efficiency investments.

“If the government is truly concerned about supporting a sustainable Canadian food system that people can count on, then they need to enact practical policies that benefit all Canadians,” adds Scott Ross, co-chair of ACA. “Farmers are seeing historic levels of debt and costs that continue to rise. Expecting producers to pay tens of thousands of dollars in carbon pricing annually will only delay investments in sustainability while waiting for technology to catch up. This is not a workable solution.” 

Bill C-234 passed the House of Commons in March with support from all Conservative, New Democrat, Bloc and Green MPs, along with a few Liberals. In the prior Parliament, MP Phillip Lawrence’s Private Members’ Bill C-206 and retired Senator Dianne Griffin’s S-215 aimed to secure natural gas and propane exemptions under the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act for farming activities. Bill C-206 made it to the Senate but died on the Order Paper when the 2021 general election was called.

“Members of Parliament face a critical opportunity to not only support farmers and ranchers but rural communities and food affordability,” emphasizes Carey. “We urge them to stand by their decision and prioritize the best interests of all Canadians by maintaining the bill in its original form and passing it without further delays.”

The amended bill will now be voted on at third reading. If passed the legislation returns to the House of Commons, where its fate remains uncertain. The ACA urges all members of Parliament to swiftly restore the bill to its original form, as passed by the House.


For media inquiries, please contact:

Hayley Stacey
Communications Lead

ACA is a national coalition of 16 farm organizations committed to meaningful and collaborative dialogue with the federal government around carbon pricing. Our membership encompasses all major agriculture commodities and represents 190,000 farm businesses that steward 62 million hectares. Canada’s farmers are the heart of our agri-food value chain, which contributes $135 billion annually and provides one in nine Canadian jobs.

Our members include Canadian Canola Growers Association, Canadian Federation of Agriculture, Canadian Cattle Association, Grain Growers of Canada, Canadian Pork Council, Chicken Farmers of Canada, Turkey Farmers of Canada, Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada, Canadian Hatching Egg Producers, Canadian Forage and Grassland Association, the National Sheep Network, National Cattle Feeders’ Association, Dairy Farmers of Canada, Canadian Seed Growers’ Association, Mushrooms Canada and Canadian Nursery Landscape Association. 

Grain Growers of Canada express deep disappointment as Senate amends Bill C-234

Dec. 6, 2023 (Ottawa, ON) – The Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) express deep disappointment following the Senate’s rejection of Bill C-234, an Act to Amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, which sought to exempt propane and natural gas from carbon pricing for on-farm activities.

“We look to the Senate for sober second thought, but not to reject the will of the House of Commons,” says GGC executive director Kyle Larkin. 

“Members of Parliament from every political party passed C-234 in the House due to the fact that no viable alternatives exist for the use of propane and natural gas for on-farm activities. We are deeply disappointed that the Senate amended the legislation, sending it back to the House of Commons where its status will be unclear.” 

Bill C-234 aims to provide farmers with an exemption from carbon pricing on propane and natural gas, essential for vital farming processes such as drying grain and heating and cooling barns and growing structures. The costs associated with innovation and current technology are substantial, and presently, there are no viable alternative fuel sources available. This legislation would have restored working capital for farmers, enabling them to invest in emerging technologies that would reduce carbon emissions while also meeting the escalating global demand for food.

“The spirit of carbon pricing is to encourage behavioural change,” Larkin adds. “The amending of C-234 leaves farmers with this continued unjust taxation, impeding their ability to invest in technologies and practices that will help them meet our sustainability goals and global demand.”

Similar legislation had been circulated for years but never passed due to the proroguing of Parliament. The amending of Bill C-234 at this stage is profoundly disappointing for both farmers and the industry, who have long advocated for this essential legislation.

“C-234 has been years in the making, while grain farmers across Canada have unfairly had to pay this tax without any way of avoiding it. We are now asking Members of Parliament to debate and pass the bill unamended as soon as possible. It’s time for the government to give our food producers a well-deserved break,” concluded Larkin.


For media inquiries, contact: 

Hayley Stacey
Communications Lead

CMBTC publishes 2024-25 Recommended Malting Barley Varieties List, including market insights and trends

Nov. 23, 2023 (Winnipeg, MB) – The Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre (CMBTC) has published its 2024 – 2025 list of recommended malting barley varieties. The guide offers producers and industry insights into preferred varieties based on agronomics, quality and market demand. 

The 2024-25 list contains five main varieties: AAC Synergy, CDC Copeland, AAC Connect, CDC Fraser and for the first time CDC Churchill. 

As a top global exporter of malting barley and processed malt, Canada is recognized for its high-quality varieties and consistent performance in processing. Newer varieties such as AAC Connect and CDC Fraser are steadily gaining acceptance in the malting and brewing industries, although the process takes time, says Peter Watts, Managing Director at the CMBTC.  “End users want assurance that any new variety introduced into their operations will align with their process and end-product. Brewers are very conscious of quality due to its direct impact on efficiencies and end-use characteristics including sensory attributes”.

“With improved agronomics and disease resistance, new varieties have proven themselves to be high performers in Canadian fields, driving increased area. But there must be matching supply and demand,” says Jon White, CMBTC Board chair. “It’s the classic chicken or egg scenario—insufficient supply makes it challenging to source and sell enough quantities to international customers at a cost-effective rate. Yet, for producers to expand adoption, they want to ensure there is a market.”

As a result, the CMBTC works closely with end-users to test new varieties at a micro, pilot and production scale. “We provide comprehensive quality and performance data, supply samples and even facilitate commercial trials with new varieties in our export markets to expedite acceptance” says Watts.

Canada’s premium value proposition is maintained by high standards that underpin the production of top-quality barley. It is recommended that producers use certified seed to maintain varietal purity and to help ensure their barley is selected for malt. Meeting that minimum 95 per cent purity requirement threshold is critical as maltsters process batches consisting of single barley varieties to ensure consistent and high quality.

This year’s list also contains changes that provide additional information detailing the demand differences between domestic and international categories. Newer varieties tend to be adopted more quickly in the domestic malting industry, whereas older varieties may be phased out sooner compared with international markets. The breakout endeavours to give producers a better understanding of the marketplace. 

“Given the growing market acceptance of our new varieties and their improved agronomics, I would encourage producers who plan to grow barley in 2024 to consider a new malt variety if they have not already,” says Watts.  

All varieties on the list are registered with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and are designated by the Canadian Grain Commission as malting varieties. 

View the CMBTC 2023-24 Recommended Malting Barley Varieties list


For more information

Peter Watts, Managing Director, CMBTC
Phone: 204-983-1981 Email:

About the CMBTC – Founded in 2000, the CMBTC is a national, independent, member-based, non-profit association that combines technical services, market development, support for the Canadian barley value chain, customer relations and advocacy for Canada’s barley industry in a model that maximizes the opportunity to grow Canada’s markets for barley and malt and to create value.

Senate rejection of amendment to Bill C-234 is a big win for Canadian agriculture

ACA urges swift passage of this crucial legislation into law

Nov. 8, 2023 (Ottawa, ON) – The Agriculture Carbon Alliance (ACA) commends the Senate of Canada for rejecting an amendment to Bill C-234 and preserving provisions for heating barns, greenhouses and food growing structures. 

ACA now urges the Senate to promptly pass the bill at the third reading, emphasizes ACA Co-Chair Dave Carey. 

“This legislation is a lifeline,” Carey says. “Paying tens of thousands of dollars in carbon pricing annually while waiting for technology to catch up is not a reasonable solution for Canadian farmers. Bill C-234 serves as a practical solution that will put capital back in the hands of farmers so they can continue to do what they do best – feed a growing and hungry world.”

“Relentless pressure from carbon pricing on those necessary farm practices that do not have viable alternatives threatens farmers’ competitiveness and plans to invest in the future of their operations”, adds Scott Ross, fellow co-chair of ACA.

“With no other way to keep the lights on and the cold away, carbon pricing places an undue burden on our country’s producers. This has far-reaching effects, not only on productivity, but also on food security and the adoption of available efficiencies.”

ACA expresses gratitude to Senators who supported Canadian agriculture by voting against the C-234 amendment. Sponsored by Senator David Wells in the Senate, the Bill provides a vital exemption for necessary farm practices utilizing natural gas and propane including irrigation, grain preparation, and heating of barns, greenhouses, and other growing structures.

“The rejected amendment would have denied financial relief to tens of thousands of hardworking livestock producers, greenhouse growers, and farmers while placing undue pressure on their livelihoods and our food security,” Carey adds. “We want to thank Senator Wells and the Senators who championed the preservation of this legislation.”

Over the past two weeks, more than 1,300 farmers and industry partners raised their voice in support of this legislation through a letter writing campaign developed by ACA. Bill C-234 is scheduled for third reading on Thursday, November 9, 2023. ACA urges Senators to swiftly pass this legislation at third reading. Canadian farmers have waited too long for essential support they urgently need.


For media inquiries, please contact:

Hayley Stacey
Communications Lead

ACA is a national coalition of 15 farm organizations committed to meaningful and collaborative dialogue with the federal government around carbon pricing. Our membership encompasses all major agriculture commodities and represents 190,000 farm businesses that steward 62 million hectares. Canada’s farmers are the heart of our agri-food value chain, which contributes $135 billion annually and provides one in nine Canadian jobs.

Our members include Canadian Canola Growers Association, Canadian Federation of Agriculture, Canadian Cattle Association, Grain Growers of Canada, Canadian Pork Council, Chicken Farmers of Canada, Turkey Farmers of Canada, Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada, Canadian Hatching Egg Producers, Canadian Forage and Grassland Association, the National Sheep Network, National Cattle Feeders’ Association, Dairy Farmers of Canada, Canadian Seed Growers’ Association, Mushrooms Canada and Canadian Nursery Landscape Association.

#ChoisirSemenceCertifiee : Habiliter les agriculteurs grâce à la valeur de la semence certifiée

Le 1 novembre 2023 (Ottawa (Ont.) – L’Association canadienne des producteurs de semences (ACPS) a lancé fièrement sa campagne #ChoisirSemenceCertifiee qui illustre l’importance de la semence certifiée canadienne, les raisons pour lesquelles la semence certifiée fait une différence et qui incite les agriculteurs, les transformateurs de produits alimentaires et les consommateurs à choisir la semence certifiée pour obtenir des résultats de qualité. 

Cette campagne s’appuie sur un site Web qui sert de trésor d’informations. Il est divisé en sections qui traitent des nuances liées à la semence certifiée – sa valeur, sa qualité, son assurance d’identité, sa traçabilité et sa fiabilité.

Mettant en vedette des vidéos sincères et convaincantes d’intervenants et de producteurs de semences canadiens, leurs points de vue, leurs expériences authentiques et leur passion constituent l’essentiel de la campagne, amplifiant le message destiné aux agriculteurs, soit de choisir la semence certifiée. 

Alors que le milieu agricole mondial devient de plus en plus concurrentiel et exigeant, il est essentiel de mettre en lumière les nombreux avantages de la semence certifiée ainsi que la force du processus de certification des semences du Canada. La campagne #ChoisirSemenceCertifiee habilite les agriculteurs à prendre des décisions éclairées au sujet des semences qu’ils choisissent d’utiliser, démontre aux transformateurs et aux fabricants de produits alimentaires que les ingrédients de qualité produits à partir de la semence certifiée sont le fondement d’aliments de qualité, et que lorsque que vous optez de #ChoisirSemenceCertifiee, vous obtenez une semence de la plus haute qualité, à identité assurée et vérifiée par une tierce partie afin de vous mettre sur la voie du succès.

Pour en apprendre davantage au sujet de #ChoisirSemenceCertifiee, veuillez consulter le site choisirsemencecertifié, puisque tout commence par une semence.


Au sujet de l’ACPS

L’Association canadienne des producteurs de semences (ACPS) est l’organisation nationale de normes et de certification qui assure l’intégrité variétale des cultures de semences pour le système de certification des semences du Canada. Depuis 1904, l’organisation sans but lucratif défend les intérêts des producteurs de semences canadiens. L’ACPS représente 3 200 membres répartis dans neuf provinces et sept filiales régionales au pays. Apprenez-en davantage à

Pour les demandes médiatiques, veuillez communiquer avec :

Tania Calverley, gestionnaire, Communications et mobilisation

(613) 236-0497, poste 229

#ChooseCertifiedSeed: Empowering Farmers Through the Value of Certified Seed

November 1, 2023 (Ottawa, ON) – The Canadian Seed Growers’ Association (CSGA) has proudly launched its #ChooseCertifiedSeed campaign, highlighting the importance of Canadian Certified seed, why Certified seed makes a difference, and compelling farmers, food processors, and consumers to choose Certified seed for quality results.

The campaign is grounded by a website that serves as a treasure trove of information divided into sections that delve into the nuances of Certified seed – its value, quality, identity assurance, traceability and trustworthiness.

Featuring heartfelt and compelling videos from Canadian seed growers and stakeholders, their perspectives, genuine experiences, and passion form the essence of the campaign amplifying the message to farmers to choose Certified seed.

As the global agricultural landscape becomes increasingly competitive and demanding, it’s crucial to highlight the many benefits of Certified seed and the strength of the Canadian seed certification process. The #ChooseCertifiedSeed campaign empowers farmers to make informed decisions on the seed they choose to plant, demonstrates to food processors and manufacturers that using quality ingredients produced from Certified seed is the foundation for quality food, and that when you #ChooseCertifiedSeed, it’s the highest quality, identity-assured, third-party verified seed to set you up for success.

To learn more about #ChooseCertifiedSeed, please visit because it all starts with seed.


About CSGA
The Canadian Seed Growers’ Association (CSGA) is the national standards and certification organization assuring seed crop varietal integrity for Canada’s seed certification system. The not-for-profit organization has championed the interests of Canadian seed growers since 1904. CSGA represents 3,200 members in nine provinces and seven regional Branches across Canada. Learn more at

For media inquiries, please contact:
Tania Calverley, Communications and Engagement Manager
(613) 236-0497, ext. 229
