Study reveals Manitoba Crop Alliance crop types are major drivers of Manitoba economy

March 13, 2024 (Carman, MB) – Today, Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA) released data highlighting the significant contributions of its crop types to the Manitoba economy.

MCA contracted information services company GlobalData to conduct a study assessing the impact of Manitoba-grown wheat (excluding durum), barley, grain corn, sunflower and flax on the province’s economy.

Together, these five crop types account for a large part of Manitoba’s agriculture industry. Several of these crops are also the foundations for important food industries, both within the province and beyond.

GlobalData found that the total economic impact of MCA’s five crop types averaged roughly $6.9 billion over the past three years, including more than 28,000 Manitoba jobs and $2.5 billion in wages.

“This study shows the major role our crop types play in the economic well-being of the province and the country,” says MCA chair Robert Misko, who farms east of Roblin, MB.

“As farmers, we have long known our position in the system and how we contribute to the province’s success, but it is heartening to see those contributions laid out in a measurable way that anyone can understand.”

For a full breakdown of the study, including summary data and in-depth reports for each crop type, visit

This economic assessment was modelled after work done last year by Cereals Canada on wheat, barley, durum and oats. Visit for more information.


For more information, please contact:

Cole Christensen
Communications Manager                

About Manitoba Crop Alliance:
Manitoba Crop Alliance is a non-profit organization established Aug. 1, 2020, representing more than 7,700 farmer members. Manitoba Crop Alliance puts their farmer members first and strives to continuously improve the competitiveness and profitability of all crops represented by the organization by focusing on four main areas: research, agronomy, market access and development, and communications. It is through investment in these key areas that Manitoba Crop Alliance can ensure wheat, barley, corn, sunflower and flax are sustainable production choices for Manitoba farmers. For more information, visit

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