Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) Welcomes Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s (CFIA) Finalized Guidance for Gene Edited Plants, Opening Doors to Agricultural Innovation

(OTTAWA, ON – May 3, 2024) GGC today applauds the release of CFIA’s long awaited final guidance on novel feed, marking the completion of a trio of regulatory updates that enable the introduction of gene-edited crops in Canada. These updates, initiated in 2018, are designed to foster agricultural innovation in plant breeding by addressing today’s farming challenges such as pest and disease management, yield improvements, drought resistance, and the nutritional quality of crops.

“This progress opens doors to innovation in Canadian agriculture, enabling the introduction of gene-edited crops that meet pressing agricultural challenges like drought, pests, and diseases, while enhancing nutritional quality,” said Andre Harpe, Chair of Grain Growers of Canada. “The updated guidance enables us to use the latest innovation in plant technology to produce nutritious and affordable food for Canadians and our international customers.”

The regulatory guidance aligns Canada’s regulations with our trading partners, ensuring Canadian farmers remain competitive globally. It is based on rigorous, science-driven assessments that guarantee the safety and efficacy of gene-edited crops.

“Completing this trio of regulations is a milestone that began five years ago, reflecting our joint commitment with government agencies to promote a regulatory environment that supports innovation while ensuring safety and transparency,” said William van Tassel, 1st Vice Chair of Grain Growers of Canada. “With these updated guidelines, our farmers can access advanced tools to produce crops with better resiliency and higher yields, while meeting the demands of the market today and the future.”

The clarity provided by these regulatory updates is expected to accelerate the development and adoption of new plant varieties, crucial for enhancing the competitiveness of Canadian agriculture.


About Grain Growers of Canada (GGC):

As the national voice for Canada’s grain farmers, Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) represents over 65,000 producers through our 14 national, provincial and regional grower groups. Our members are trade oriented, sustainable and innovative. As a farmer-driven association for the grains industry, GGC advocates for federal policy that supports the competitiveness and profitability of grain growers across Canada. Learn more at:

For more information, please contact:

Hana Sabah
Communications Manager
Grain Growers of Canada
514-834-8841 |

Grain Growers of Canada Launch Road to 2050 Policy Recommendations

April 9, 2024 (Ottawa, ON) – Today, Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) launched its Road to 2050 policy recommendations, an initiative aimed at shaping federal government programs for the sustainable intensification of the grain sector. The launch comes against the backdrop of critical challenges, including the need to feed an expanding global population, address climate change, and maintain the economic viability of Canada’s grain farms.

“Facing the urgent need to feed more people, tackle climate change, and keep grain farms profitable, Canadian grain growers are leading with innovative sustainable practices. These efforts not only reduce our carbon footprint but also play a crucial role in achieving Canada’s climate goals,” said Andre Harpe, GGC Chair.

Over the past two decades, the grain sector has achieved considerable strides in environmental sustainability by maintaining stable greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while increasing production. This resulted in a 50% reduction in GHG emission intensity from 1997 to 2017 in the agriculture sector, surpassing the 36% reduction across the Canadian economy during the same timeframe.

With a $30 billion contribution to Canada’s GDP, the grain sector recognizes the necessity of continuous innovation and investment to sustain production.

“For decades, grain farmers have been at the forefront of sustainability, making Canada a global leader in producing grain with the lowest emissions possible,” said William van Tassel, 1st Vice Chair of GGC. “Yet, boosting our competitiveness and commitment to emission reductions demands a significant increase in research and development investments. These investments are essential for overcoming current obstacles and leveraging future opportunities.”

The Road to 2050 policy recommendations is aimed at getting the government to partner with grain farmers to reduce emissions, together. Recommendations include increasing public and private breeding research, expanding eligibility criteria and funding for current climate programs, and developing a data management strategy.

“Grain farmers stand ready to partner with government to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while also increasing production to meet a growing global food demand,” continued Harpe. “It’s clear that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach across Canada, but by working together, we can ensure that the sector continues to be part of the solution.”


About Grain Growers of Canada (GGC):

As the national voice for Canada’s grain farmers, Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) represents over 65,000 producers through our 14 national, provincial and regional grower groups. Our members are trade oriented, sustainable and innovative. As a farmer-driven association for the grains industry, GGC advocates for federal policy that supports the competitiveness and profitability of grain growers across Canada. Learn more at:

For more information, please contact:

Hana Sabah
Communications Manager
Grain Growers of Canada
514-834-8841 |

Grain Growers of Canada Applauds Government Boost to Farmer Support Through Enhanced Loan Program

March 25, 2024 (Ottawa, ON) – Grain Growers of Canada applauds the Government of Canada’s announcement today to offer a $250,000 interest-free portion of the Advance Payments Program (APP) this year to farmers across Canada. APP advances are important in supporting the cash flow of grain farmers to meet their financial needs until they’re able to sell their grain.

“We commend Minister MacAulay and the government for this announcement that will support thousands of grain farmers across the country,” stated Andre Harpe, Chair of GGC. “With the rising cost of inputs and low grain prices at harvest, a higher interest free portion of the APP is needed.”

GGC recognizes the importance of early announcements like this, which provide both predictability and stability, ensuring that grain farmers and administrators can efficiently plan their financial strategies for the year ahead. GGC looks forward to working with the government to ensure the APP continues to support grain farmers.  

Kyle Larkin, Executive Director of Grain Growers of Canada, is available for interview.


About Grain Growers of Canada (GGC):

As the national voice for Canada’s grain farmers, Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) represents over 65,000 producers through our 14 national, provincial and regional grower groups. Our members are trade oriented, sustainable and innovative. As a farmer-driven association for the grains industry, GGC advocates for federal policy that supports the competitiveness and profitability of grain growers across Canada. Learn more at:

For media inquiries, please contact:

Hana Sabah
Communications Manager
Grain Growers of Canada | 514-834-8841
