SaskCanola launches texting service

Re-released: October 30, 2023 – SaskCanola is excited to announce the launch of its new communications platform – an interactive texting service!

The addition of this platform aims to enhance efforts to communicate more directly with our membership about the ongoing, multi-pronged ways our Commission is providing value to farmers by sharing real-time, customized updates. 

Farmers who subscribe can expect to receive: 

  • a weekly oilseeds market outlook report (SaskCanola invests in a market analyst that provides a weekly update on domestic and global influences on canola market prices)
  • Canola Watch, a weekly (during the growing season) canola production newsletter
  • plus event notices and urgent news/alerts

Farmers will also be able to engage directly with the SaskCanola team by texting our dedicated number to initiate a two-way conversation.

“Our intention with launching this new texting service is to provide farmers with timely information that empowers them to make informed decisions to optimize their farm businesses,” shares Tracy Broughton, SaskCanola’s Executive Director.

To subscribe, text keyword SASKCANOLA to 1-877-241-7044.

By texting SaskCanola, you agree to receive promotional messages from SaskCanola sent via an autodialer. This subscription is not a condition of any service. Estimated 10 messages/month. Message & data rates may apply. Reply STOP to unsubscribe or HELP for help. Terms and Privacy Policy can be found at

For more information, contact:
Ellen Grueter, Communications Manager
(306) 975-0262
This release was originally issued on Oct. 10, 2023.

Agriculture Carbon Alliance urges Senators to support Canadian farmers by restoring Bill C-234 to its original form

Oct. 25, 2023 (Ottawa, ON) – The Agriculture Carbon Alliance (ACA) urgently calls on all Senators to defeat the Senate Standing Committee on Agriculture and Forestry’s (AGFO) proposed amendment to remove heating and cooling of barns, greenhouses and other food growing structures from Bill C-234, An Act to amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act.

ACA, representing 190,000 farm families from coast-to-coast, expresses profound disappointment at AGFO’s decision to adopt this amendment and urges the Senate to restore Bill C-234 to its original form, as passed in the House of Commons.

“C-234, in its original form, recognizes the industry’s widespread lack of viable fuel alternatives,” states Dave Carey, Co-Chair of ACA. “Adopting this amendment establishes an unjust precedent within the industry. Our farmers, ranchers and growers pay tens of thousands of dollars in carbon pricing annually, and it takes time for the needed infrastructure to be built and emerging alternative technology to be scaled up and be readily available to all farmers at a reasonable price.”

Scott Ross, ACA’s Co-Chair, says the consequences of the amendment could be far-reaching for poultry, egg, cattle, dairy, pork, sheep, fruit and vegetable and mushroom growers. 

“In the absence of viable alternatives, this amendment doesn’t just impact farmers’ competitiveness, it jeopardizes our future sustainability and efficiency. Continuous carbon pricing without viable alternatives for essential farm practices diverts funds from critical investments in innovation that drive efficiency,” he says.

“We’re burdening ranchers and growers with punitive taxes, sometimes reaching tens of thousands of dollars, limiting their ability to adopt technology. Further delays in passing Bill C-234 could indefinitely stall progress, hindering our farmers who have waited far too long for this crucial support.”

ACA is deeply concerned this amendment will dramatically change the scope, spirit and intent of the bill, as passed by the House of Commons. This violates typical Senate practices as was acknowledged by some members of the AGFO committee during clause-by-clause review. Furthermore, the amendments were deemed inadmissible by the Chair of the AGFO committee, who ruled it out of order.

Witnesses during AGFO committee proceedings underlined that emerging technologies that would provide alternatives are at least eight years away from commercial viability. C-234 includes a sunset clause to revaluate its context in eight years, ensuring justification for such an exemption. ACA commends Senators for rejecting an amendment aimed at shortening C-234’s sunset clause from eight years to three years.

To safeguard the profitability and sustainability of farmers, as well as to defend our food production and food sovereignty, ACA urges all Senators to reject the AGFO committee’s amendment and uphold the integrity of Bill C-234.


For media inquiries, please contact:
Hayley Stacey
Communications Lead

ACA is a national coalition of 15 farm organizations committed to meaningful and collaborative dialogue with the federal government around carbon pricing. Our membership encompasses all major agriculture commodities and represents 190,000 farm businesses that steward 62 million hectares. Canada’s farmers are the heart of our agri-food value chain, which contributes $135 billion annually and provides one in nine Canadian jobs.

Our members include Canadian Canola Growers Association, Canadian Federation of Agriculture, Canadian Cattle Association, Grain Growers of Canada, Canadian Pork Council, Chicken Farmers of Canada, Turkey Farmers of Canada, Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada, Canadian Hatching Egg Producers, Canadian Forage and Grassland Association, the National Sheep Network, National Cattle Feeders’ Association, Dairy Farmers of Canada, Canadian Seed Growers’ Association, and Mushrooms Canada.

Cole’s Ag met en place une plateforme de diffusion de communiqués de presse

Le 19 octobre 2023 (Calgary, AB) – Cole’s Ag Communications (Cole’s Ag) est fière de présenter Newsline, un service de fil de presse en ligne novateur conçu pour l’agriculture canadienne. En mettant l’accent sur la précision et l’accessibilité basée sur des mesures, Newsline offre une plateforme dédiée à la distribution de communiqués de presse afin d’aider les professionnels de l’agriculture à diffuser leur message et à joindre leur public.

« J’ai toujours cru au pouvoir de raconter des expériences, en particulier dans le domaine de l’agriculture canadienne », a dit Cole Christensen, président de Cole’s Ag. « Newsline donne aux organismes dirigés par des producteurs, aux associations de recherche et aux entreprises agroalimentaires la plateforme nécessaire pour raconter leurs histoires de façon authentique. »

L’agriculture canadienne traverse une période importante et les acteurs du secteur ont besoin de savoir que leurs messages sont reçus et entendus. La diffusion de nouvelles importantes et le maintien d’un lien avec les médias sont essentiels pour influencer le changement et communiquer directement avec les producteurs. En adoptant cette philosophie, Newsline servira de lien essentiel entre l’agriculture canadienne et les médias, en veillant à ce que les histoires et les points de vue importants soient entendus.

Grâce à une équipe de recherche spécialisée et à une liste de médias constamment mise à jour, Newsline se spécialisera dans l’acheminement des nouvelles agricoles vers les points de vente pertinents, garantissant ainsi une prise en compte opportune et précise des renseignements.

« Cole’s Ag a toujours été axée sur les mesures et les résultats, et Newsline ne dérogera pas à la règle », a expliqué M. Christensen. « Si vous diffusez un communiqué à partir de notre plateforme, vous saurez immédiatement à quel point il a été efficace. »

Newsline présentera également ces renseignements essentiels sur le secteur au moyen d’une bibliothèque de communiqués de presse et d’articles. Le centre de contenu de LineUp présentera les derniers communiqués et articles au fur et à mesure qu’ils seront distribués et offrira au secteur agricole et aux professionnels des médias un lieu central où ils pourront rester informés et à jour.

Cole’s Ag, un chef de file en matière de communication dans le domaine agricole au Canada, collabore étroitement avec les organismes agricoles provinciaux et nationaux afin de mettre en valeur et de célébrer le secteur. En s’engageant à atteindre l’excellence et en se consacrant à des communications efficaces, Cole’s Ag continue d’établir la norme en matière de communication dans le domaine de l’agriculture.

Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, consultez le site

Les médias sont invités à communiquer avec la personne suivant pour toute demande de renseignements :

Hayley Stacey
Responsable nationale des communications stratégiques

Cole’s Ag launches news release distribution platform

Newsline offers tailored services for agricultural communicators in Canada

Oct. 19, 2023 (Calgary, AB) – Cole’s Ag Communications (Cole’s Ag) is proud to present Newsline, an innovative, online newswire service designed for Canadian agriculture. With an emphasis on precision and metrics-driven accessibility, Newsline offers a dedicated platform for news release distribution to help agricultural professionals amplify their message and reach their audience.

“I’ve always believed in the power of storytelling, especially in Canadian agriculture,” says Cole Christensen, president of Cole’s Ag. “Newsline gives farmer-led organizations, research associations and agri-businesses the platform to share their stories authentically.”

This is a critical time for Canadian agriculture and industry stakeholders need to know their messages are being received and amplified. Sharing important news and maintaining a connection with the media is crucial to impacting change and communicating directly with farmers. By embracing this ethos, Newsline will serve as an essential link between Canadian agriculture and the media, ensuring valuable stories and perspectives are heard.

Through a dedicated research team and a consistently updated media list, Newsline will specialize in directing agriculture news to relevant outlets, ensuring timely and precise uptake of information. 

“Cole’s Ag has always been driven by metrics and results, and Newsline will be no different,” Christensen says. “If you put a release out from our platform, you will know how effective it was – right away.”

Newsline will also showcase this vital industry information through a news release and article library. The LineUp content hub will feature the latest releases and articles as they are distributed and provide a central location for the agriculture sector and media professionals to stay informed and up to date.

Cole’s Ag, a leader in Canadian agricultural communication, collaborates closely with provincial and national agricultural organizations to highlight and celebrate the sector. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for effective communications, Coles Ag continues to set the standard in agricultural communication.

For more information visit:

For media inquiries, please contact:

Hayley Stacey
National Strategic Communications Lead
